I watched the Cubs game last night. It was a cold, rainy Monday night in Pittsburgh and no one was in the stands. We blew out the...

I used to live in Charleston, SC. Which is the most beautiful city in the world according to everyone who has ever been there. The most...

Everything has a bright side. One benefit to getting cancer is that people have started referring to me as young again. People are like...

For two days after your treatment you are still attached to an IV bag full of medicine. You carry it around in a fanny pack. Every 10...

My birthday is July 29th. Which makes me a Leo, but right on the cusp. So when people would ask me my sign I would be cute and say “I’m a...

I’ve decided I’m not going to say 'chemo' anymore but instead use the full word. Chemotherapy. The therapy part has a nice ring to it....